Swift Current Minor Hockey is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 20 members who meet on a monthly basis all year long.
Last year, we added a new position to the Board; Legionnaire Representative/Liaison. This year we had 41 teams organized (approx 604 players) which are scheduled between the I-PLEX and the two Fairview Arenas. The age groups run from Initiation (4,5,6), Novice (7,8), Atom (9,10), Pee Wee (11,12), Bantam (13,14) and Midget (15,16,17). Initiation and Novice have enough teams to play amongst themselves. Atom through Midget play in the Southwest Saskatchewan Hockey League(SSHL), except the Tier I teams who play in the Sask AA Hockey League(SAAHL). Again this year,the Midget female teams will also play in the Sask. Female Hockey League. There weren't enough Atom Female teams to stay in the league this year- but don't worry lots of good hockey is being organized for them.
SCMHA offers "early registration" before June 1st which qualifies you for special discounts. To make it easier to afford, only $50.00 per child is required per child by June 1st and the balance of the registration fee can be paid in installments by post-dated cheques up until SEPT1st.
SCMHA also hosts clinics in the fall for our coaches, parents and players, such as Goaltender, Coaching levels and Body Contact clinics; all which are free of charge to our membership.
We also host our Annual General Meeting each year in April, where new members are elected to the Board and any concerns are addressed. Anyone is welcome to attend.
SCMHA members can be contacted by phone @ 773-1580, by fax @ 773-7690, by e-mail @ scminorhockey@sasktel.net or by mail at Box 397, Swift Current, Sk. S9H-3V8 or by sending any questions or comments through this website.
SCMHA Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday April 16th. See below for Details